Intersectional Mental Health Programming

AANHPI Mental Health Primer
AANHPI communities present with high mental health acutiy and low participation in mental health care. We are also underrepresented in the larger psychological workforce. Our unique work at Mango Tree Counseling & Consulting focuses on the unique needs of the AANHPI community.
During our AANHPI Mental Health Primer, participants will learn more about genralist mental health and it’s intersections on the unique challenges faced by AANHPI communities.
This session allows participants to develop more awareness on mental health symptoms and identity frameworks of the the AANHPI community.
AANHPI Mental Health Primer will help participants:
- Increase knowledge and language of generalist mental health
- Gain knowledge on AANHPI identity development frameworks
- Develop knowledge and skills to enhance mental wellness
- Learn more about national and local resources to support AANHPI mental health
Intersectional Discussions: AANHPI and LGBTQIA Community
At the intersection of identity are contradictions and synergies: compassion, community, connection, relationship, belonging and history.
During our Intersectional discussion program, participants will gain more insights towards identity, mental health, and ways to cultivate values and empowerment.
This session allows participants increase language on mental health and resiliences of intersectional identity and the communities they are born out of.

Intersectional Discussions will help participants
- Learn mental health frameworks that describe struggles and resiliences of BiPOC and LGBTQIA communities
- Review relevant historical that inform formative narratives in the US
- Identity Development Models
- Empowerment based Frameworks
- Psychological Flexibility and mental wellness

Masc Enough: A discussion on toxic queer masculinity
Toxic masculinity is everywhere, even in our queer communities. This toxic masculinity impacts the way we love ourselves, others, and participate in our communities.
During our workshop, participants will learn easy to deconstruct formative narratives about gender, sexuality, and love in queer communities.
Program Format Options:
- Workshop/lunch and learn: 1 Hour
- Half Day Intensive Clinical: 2.5-3 Hours
- Full Day Internsive Clinical: 6-7 Hours