Christine Meusz exploring the wilderness during a hike.

Christine Meusz exploring the wilderness during a hike.


The world we all live in can generate a lot of stress and pressure to perform and stay busy. Glimmers are the opposite of triggers. Noticing small things that bring us peace and joy can help our nervous systems regulate. It reminds us that we have power to access our own calm and safety. I love taking a moment to experience nature: looking up at a puffy cloud, noticing how the sunlight looks on a tree or the breeze on my cheek.

Ideas for moments:

Is there something beautiful, joyful or peaceful around you right now? On a desk or a pet nearby? A pleasant sound. Notice this. Take a moment to appreciate and savor this feeling.

Look for a color that stands out where you are right now. Spend a moment to look at it and immerse yourself in the hue.

In this moment, thank your lungs for its wonderful capacity to breathe in and out, nourishing your body with the oxygen it needs to continue throughout the day.



A vibrant leaf found by Christine Meusz

A vibrant leaf found by Christine Meusz